See you next year!

Kiwijam is Aotearoa’s own homegrown annual in-person game-jam. We invite newcomers and veteran game jammers to experiment, share ideas and make a game of any type for 48 (ish) hours in one of the many sites all over the country.

What is a game jam?

It’s a chance to make games! Game jams are all about coming together to design and build board and digital games based on a theme (usually announced at the beginning) in a super short amount of time. In this one, you’ll have about 48 hours (including sleep) to go all the way from idea to whatever you can hack together in time. 

How it works

There are typically a few sites around New Zealand for Kiwijam. Usually, we have one in Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin, Whangārei, and Christchurch. Each site will differ slightly in it’s rules and guidelines sent out to it’s registered participants, so we recommend checking out our About the Jam page.

Check out the full mini-doc for a taste of Kiwijam ’23! (9 mins)

Who should come to Kiwijam?

Kiwijam is meant for anyone with an interest in making games. Even if you’ve never made a game before or don’t have any game dev skills. You could join a group and find out you’re good at something and never knew it. Or maybe you just want to observe this year and come back next year after doing a few game dev tutorials.

We hope that Kiwijam is a way for new gamedevs or people who are interested in starting their gamedev journey to get inspired and feel like they are a part of a bigger community. For this reason Kiwijam will always be free.

Kiwijam is an R18 event unless a site makes arrangements to allow under 18 participants as stated in their registration.